The Book of 555 Timer Projects

  • MarqueElektor Publishing


Over 45 Builds for the Legendary 555 Chip (and the 556, 558)

The 555 timer IC, originally introduced by the Signetics Corporation around 1971, is sure to rank high among the most popular analog integrated circuits ever produced. Originally called the IC Time Machine, this chip has been used in many timer-related projects by countless people over decades.

This book is all about designing projects based on the 555 timer IC. Over 45 fully tested and documented projects are presented. All projects have been fully tested by the author by constructing them individually on a breadboard. You are not expected to have any programming experiences for constructing or using the projects given in the book. However, it’s definitely useful to have some knowledge of basic electronics and the use of a breadboard for constructing and testing electronic circuits.

Some of the projects in the book are:

  • Alternately Flashing Two LEDs
  • Changing LED Flashing Rate
  • Touch Sensor On/Off Switch
  • Switch On/Off Delay
  • Light-Dependent Sound
  • Dark/Light Switch
  • Tone Burst Generator
  • Long Duration Timer
  • Chasing LEDs
  • LED Roulette Game
  • Traffic Lights
  • Continuity Tester
  • Electronic Lock
  • Switch Contact Debouncing
  • Toy Electronic Organ
  • Multiple Sensor Alarm System
  • Metronome
  • Voltage Multipliers
  • Electronic Dice
  • 7-Segment Display Counter
  • Motor Control
  • 7-Segment Display Dice
  • Electronic Siren
  • Various Other Projects

The projects given in the book can be modified or expanded by you for your very own applications. Electronic engineering students, people engaged in designing small electronic circuits, and electronic hobbyists should find the projects in the book instructive, fun, interesting, and useful.

Fiche produit

Over 45 Builds for the Legendary 555 Chip (and the 556, 558) The 555 timer IC, originally introduced by the Signetics... Lire la suite

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    SKU : 20948
    EAN : 9783895766244
    ISBN : 978-3-89576-624-4
    Auteur : Dogan Ibrahim
    Langue : English
    Pages : 141 (Full Color)
    Format : 17 x 24 cm (Paperback)


    Over 45 Builds for the Legendary 555 Chip (and the 556, 558)

    The 555 timer IC, originally introduced by the Signetics Corporation around 1971, is sure to rank high among the most popular analog integrated circuits ever produced. Originally called the IC Time Machine, this chip has been used in many timer-related projects by countless people over decades.

    This book is all about designing projects based on the 555 timer IC. Over 45 fully tested and documented projects are presented. All projects have been fully tested by the author by constructing them individually on a breadboard. You are not expected to have any programming experiences for constructing or using the projects given in the book. However, it’s definitely useful to have some knowledge of basic electronics and the use of a breadboard for constructing and testing electronic circuits.

    Some of the projects in the book are:

    • Alternately Flashing Two LEDs
    • Changing LED Flashing Rate
    • Touch Sensor On/Off Switch
    • Switch On/Off Delay
    • Light-Dependent Sound
    • Dark/Light Switch
    • Tone Burst Generator
    • Long Duration Timer
    • Chasing LEDs
    • LED Roulette Game
    • Traffic Lights
    • Continuity Tester
    • Electronic Lock
    • Switch Contact Debouncing
    • Toy Electronic Organ
    • Multiple Sensor Alarm System
    • Metronome
    • Voltage Multipliers
    • Electronic Dice
    • 7-Segment Display Counter
    • Motor Control
    • 7-Segment Display Dice
    • Electronic Siren
    • Various Other Projects

    The projects given in the book can be modified or expanded by you for your very own applications. Electronic engineering students, people engaged in designing small electronic circuits, and electronic hobbyists should find the projects in the book instructive, fun, interesting, and useful.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews
    Gilbert Q.
    Une compilation de circuits optimisés sur la base de l'incontournable 555.

    Une compilation de circuits optimisés sur la base de l'incontournable 555.
    Livraison rapide.

    Gregory S.

    Great learning

    Fabrice I.
    Livre essentiel de tout passionné d'électronique !!!

    Un incontournable , le NE 555 tout est réalisable avec ce composant magique.
    Le livre recueille 45 montages différents pour ce composant indémobable !!!
    A posséder absolument !

    Armin Z.
    The Book of 555 Timer Projects

    Schnelle Lieferung, super gutes Buch. Sehr praxisorientiert.

    Rolf W.
    Bücher von Ibrahim

    Die Bücher von Dogan Ibrahim liebe ich. Sie sind nicht nur verständlich geschrieben, sondern durch die farblichen Grafiken der Beispiele übersichtlich.

    NE555 Buch

    Hallo liebe Leser,

    habe das Buch noch nicht vollständig gelesen. Doch nachdem was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe, scheint es im Großen & Ganzen gelungen. erstaunlich was mit dieser einfachen integrierten Schaltung alles möglich ist. Die Anwendung als Thermostat hat mich überrascht. Doch leider war nicht genau angegeben, welcher Thermistortyp dabei verwendet wird.
    Kann mir jemand darüber näher Auskunft geben?
    Vermisst habe ich außerdem einen Schaltungsvorschlag für den NE555 als T-Flipflop.

    Peter K.
    Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Beinhaltet viele praxisnahe Projekte.

    Gut und verständlich geschrieben. Schönes Layout ! Für mich leider zu wenig Tiefgang im Bereich des 555.


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